Fiona Bruce: We need to act together to help victims of acts of violence based on religion or belief Share this:Fiona Bruce MP is the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief.
Sarfraz Manzoor on how prejudice works both ways in British Muslim communities Share this:The broadcaster and writer believes mutual respect between different cultures and faith groups in the UK is possible – he hopes his book will change views
Who is afraid of the Taliban? Share this:Who is afraid of the Taliban? Anyone who is on the wrong side of their religiously homogenising project should be, warns Mariz Tadros.
For Afghan Christians, the Taliban takeover is a nightmare Share this:Christians in Afghanistan have been paralyzed with fear at the news that the Taliban has taken control of the country.
Desecration of 48 churches is a national tragedy, yet government seems to care little about Christians Share this:Considering the scale of these events, the reaction has been utterly underwhelming
It’s Time to Use the Magnitsky Act to Combat Hate | Opinion Share this:The Covid19 Pandemic has intensified the spread of an equally virulent virus: hate.
Did We Really Mean Never Again? The World Doesn’t Look Like We Did Share this:International religious-freedom gathering brings ongoing religious persecution to light.
The European ruling on headscarves opens the way to rank discrimination Share this:Humanists like me believe in people’s right to express their religious identity – or lack of it – however they see fit
Zara Mohammed: For Scots Muslims, report on Islamophobia came as no surprise but the sheer scale of it still shocked Share this:The report found that 83% of respondents had faced Islamophobia directly in education, employment, healthcare, security and media reporting.
My excruciating fight against antisemitism as an Egyptian immigrant Share this:“We saw a persistent increase in antisemitism and indifference towards the suffering of Jews.”