The first month of 2021 brought no respite to Christians in India as the Religious Liberty Commission recorded 29 incidents where Christians were targeted, opposed, threatened or physically attacked.
Kazakhstan’s authorities are known to have brought at least 131 administrative prosecutions in 2020 to punish 127 individuals, three charities and one company for their exercise of freedom of religion or belief.
International Christian Concern (ICC) has observed a marked increase of reported religious freedom violations within Turkey since the start of the New Year.
European regulations prohibit slaughter without pre-stunning, but make an exception for religious reasons. However, member states may pass their own laws to reduce animal suffering.
Switzerland’s Catholic Church has joined other religious groups in opposing a proposed ban on Muslim head coverings, arguing it would “disproportionately” restrict religious freedom.
One of Europe’s most prominent cardinals has warned of growing restrictions on religious freedom across the European Union, and urged governments not to use claims about combating terror as a pretext for curbing church activities.